Nikon D7100 vs D7000 13件你該知道的事

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金宣兒  autocad 2012  爆乳母娘

法文雜誌Le alt=Nikon D7100 vs D7000 13件你該知道的事。 src=http://www.nphotomag.com/files/2013/02/Nikon-D7100.jpg>

Nikon D7100 vs D7000? It’s quite the quandary. Now that Nikon’s announced the brand new 24-megapixel D7100, where does that leave the existing D7000, and which one should you choose? Read our definitive
Nikon D7100 vs D7000 comparison to find out.

Nikon D7100 vs D7000?真是令人困惑。

The Nikon D7000 is still a very good camera, and will continue alongside the new
Nikon D7100. It will also be much cheaper – up to £250 cheaper in the UK – which will make the decision even harder.
他也將便宜許多 -最高便宜了£250 ,這讓選擇變難許多。

But while the D7100’s name might suggest it’s a fairly modest and predictable upgrade to the D7000 (everyone was expecting a 24-megapixel version of the D7000 long before the D7100 was announced, there’s a lot more to this new camera than meets the eye.

In fact there’s so much that’s new, different or improved on this camera, that here on N-Photo we think
Nikon should have called it the D8000 instead!


So here’s our definitive Nikon D7100 vs D7000 comparison. We won’t tell you which one you should buy,
but hopefully this will make it easier for you to arrive at your own decision!

以下便是D7100 vs D7000 的比較,我們不會告訴你去買哪一台,但希望這會讓你更容易做出自己的選擇!

1. 2400萬畫素 24-megapixel resolution

The newly-developed 24-megapixel sensor in the D71000 offers a 50% increase in resolution over the D7000, but it goes even further than that. Nikon has dispensed with the OLPF (optical low pass filter) in front of the
sensor to produce even sharper fine detail. This is a move first seen in the Nikon D800E, and Nikon’s
engineers say the improvement in detail more than outweighs any slight risk of moiré effects. Low pass filters blur the image slightly to reduce the risk of interference patterns or banding with patterned surfaces, but
Nikon’s engineers say advances in sensor resolution make moiré less of a problem.


2. Expeed 3影像處理器 Expeed 3 procesor

The D7000 uses Nikon’s previous-generation Expeed 2 processor, but the D7100’s Expeed 3 processor
delivers improved image quality, especially at high ISOs, and is much faster. This enables the D7100 to match both the D7000’s continuous shooting rate (6fps) and its ISO range (100-6400, expandable to 25600),
despite the increase in resolution. What’s more, its continuous shooting speed goes up to 7fps in the
D7100’s new 1.3x ‘crop’ mode.

D7000使用的是上一代的Expeed 2影像處理器,但D7100的Expeed 3處理器則呈現出更佳的影像品質。
這讓D7100達到和D7000的連拍速度(6fps),及ISO範圍(100-6400, 可擴充至25600),

3. 1.3x裁切模式 1.3x crop mode

The D7100’s new 1.3x ‘crop’ mode uses a smaller area of the sensor to deliver images which match the
resolution of the D7000 (16 megapixels). The advantages are that the continuous shooting speed is increased to 7fps (see above), you can shoot full HD movies in high-speed 50i and 60i modes and, most importantly for sports and wildlife photographers, your telephoto lenses ‘go further’. The Nikon 70-200mm f/4 lens,
for example, effectively becomes a 136.5-390mm f/4.

例如新的小小黑Nikon 70-200mm f/4,等效焦長就變為136.5-390mm f/4。

4.更好的影片拍攝 Better movies

The D7000 can shoot full HD movies, but only at a frame rate of 24fps. The D7100 can shoot full HD at 24, 25 and 30fps, and high-speed 50i or 60i interlaced full HD in the new 1.3x crop mode.
This reflects the increasing importance of HD movie modes in digital SLRs.

D7000可以拍攝full HD 的影片,但是在24fps的情況下。
D7100可以在24, 25 和30fps下拍攝full HD影片,

5. LCD螢幕 LCD display

At 3.2 inches, this is both larger than the D7000’s 3-inch screen and offers higher resolution too, with 1,229,000 dots compared to the older camera’s 921,000 dots. The D7100’s LCD also uses ‘RGBW’ colour
(the ‘W’ stands for ‘white’) for extra brilliance. In fact, this is the best LCD display on any Nikon D-SLR to date.

D7100的螢幕也用了‘RGBW’ 色彩顯示,(W表示白色),事實上,這是目前Nikon單眼相機裡面最好的螢幕。


6.耐候能力  Weather sealing

The D7100 has the same magnesium alloy top and back plates as the D7000, but now incorporates the same weather sealing as the professional-level D800. Nikon is pitching the D7100 at a slightly higher level than the D7000, to include outdoor use in hostile and demanding conditions and – significantly – move into the
territory previously occupied by the Nikon D300s.


7.自動對焦 Autofocus

The D7000 uses a decent enough 39-point AF system, but the D71000 trumps it with an enhanced version of
the sophisticated 51-point AF system used in its professional SLRs, with 15 cross-type sensors clustered in
the centre. Like the latest pro models, the D7100’s autofocus system can work with apertures as low as f/8
(perfect when using telephoto lenses with teleconverters), and uses the same autofocus algorithms as the
Nikon D4. The 51 focus points cover a large area of the frame, and in the 1.3x crop mode, they cover the full
width of the picture.


8. 人體工學 Ergonomics

Externally, the D7100 appears almost identical to the D7000, but there have been some significant steps
forward. The grips have been improved, the mode dial now has a locking button, and the ‘i’ button on the
back of the camera has been enhanced to make common camera adjustments and custom settings much
easier to reach.


9. Wi-Fi

The D7000 was launced before the arrival of Nikon’s low-cost WU-1a wireless transmitter, so this is another area where the wi-fi compatible D7100 scores. Once you’ve installed Nikon’s free app on your Android or iOS smart device, you can send pictures wirelessly from the camera to the device, and use the device to control
the D7100 remotely.


10. 7種內建特效 7 in-camera special effects

These have been brought across from the D5200, and include Selective Colour, Miniature, High and Low Key, Silhouette, Colour Sketch and Night Vision effects. You can preview these effects live in Live View mode, and
they can be applied to both stills and movies.

你可以在Live view模式下先預覽這些效果,並可以在照片及影片模式下套用。

11.內建HDR 模式 In-camera HDR mode

In this mode, the camera takes two shots at different exposures and combines them ‘intelligently’ into one. It’s useful where the brightness range in the scene is too great for the camera’s sensor to record with a
single exposure, and this feature can also be found on the D4, D800 and D5200.

這項功能也可以在D4, D800和 D5200上找到。

12. Two-axis virtual horizon

The D7000 already offers an on-screen ‘virtual horizon’ for levelling the camera, but the D7100 has Nikon’s latest two-axis version, which can also display front-to-rear tilt as well as sideways tilt, using
acceleration sensors. It works in both horizontal and vertical orientation, too.


13. Spot white balance

The D7100 has an especially clever innovation for its Live View mode, where you can measure the white
balance at a single point in the frame. This promises to be much faster than the existing and much more
laborious system of menu options and test targets.

D7100在Live view上也有其聰明的創新之處,你可以測量畫面中單獨一點的白平衡。

總結:In summary: Nikon D7000 vs D7100

Don’t imagine for one minute that the Nikon D7100 is just a D7000 with a 24-megapixel sensor! This is just
the tip of the iceberg, and the new camera marks a big step forward in a whole host of ways. The list above
gives you the full story, but the highlights for us are the image quality (including the removal of the anti-aliasing filter), the cutting-edge 51-point autofocus system and the innovative 1.3x crop mode.


More than that, though the D7100 signals Nikon’s ongoing commitment to the DX format, and the vast army
of Nikon enthusiasts who want top-flight performance, features and image quality without having to take that
big step up to full-frame.


We can’t wait to get one for review so that we can bring you our full verdict!



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