The intention that Qiu Min makes an inventi

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The intention that Qiu Min makes an inventi

The intention that Qiu Min makes an inventi

Inventor of limited company of big pharmacy of sea
South America Qiu Min had worked in medi kids black ugg boots cal
industry 20 old, he puts innovation invention
in from beginning to end the first, it is th
e first inventor with its accumulative total
patent application 34, obta black ugg boots with zipper in authorization 1
3, major patent already industrialization. Th
e intention that Qiu Min makes an invention i
s the anguish to relieve a patient more. For
instance, he invents " compound of  ugg tall black ester of h
air of a kind of auspicious and its synthesis
method " , ester of hair of raw material aus
picious is had quicken metabolism, adjust fun
ction of intestines and cheap ugg tall boots  stomach and hydrochlo
ric acid in gastric juice are secreted, enhan
ce the action such as mucous membrane protect
ion, appeared on the market to bring good new
s with respect to patient of stomach trouble
giving bowel. (Article origin: Nanhai net - a
ustral Metropolis Daily)







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