There is a program at that time allegedly,

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There is a program at that time allegedly,

Although have a few to appear on the market compan
y, but go in carry on to promote bridge of pr
efectural poplar flood to press down a street
to go up, resemble base of northeastern old
industry, doleful and cold and cheerless. Big
public house of bovine head hill is one of t
wo famous public houses in the town. Need not
book ahead of schedule, have a room at any t
ime. Room cost is very cheap, there is a mild
ew taste in house. Carpet stale, looking is t
he product a lot of years ago. From bovine he
ad hill big public house comes out, the gover
nment is pressed down namely on. But should e
nter township, get a paragraph of run. There
is a program at that time allegedly, but as a
result of a big company enter halt, the town
government and township are separated, forme
d the structure now then. Township is not flo
urishing also, cannot see lively market almos
t. Can say, town of bridge of whole Yang Xun
is an industrial district. Come from situatio
n say, it may be said of town of Yang Xun bri
dge is advantaged -- have half hours of way o
nly from the city zone of hill of Hangzhou ci
ty desolate, promote town of county bridge st
alking or branch to also do not cross leg hal
f hours to carry on. No matter blend in Hangz
hou to city is encircled or stay in carry on
to promote a city to encircle, nonexistent an
y obstacles. But look now, just of this natur
al advantage is inferior position. Too close
from Xiao Shan, the wealthy person that cause
s Yang Xun bridge is in in succession course
of study of desolate hill buy, life. Wealthy
person is not consumed in this locality, tert
iary industy nature of place cannot develop.
Industry grows pair of living environments to
may cause certain effect, the farmer that sa
ves in local life so is versed in the number
exceeded native mouth far. And peasant worker
worker is transient only actually, the desir
e that lives for a long time is not strong. I
f understand the town the community that live
s for, so should the life of somebody, job an
d rest wait for a function. The center of Zhe
jiang is pressed down basically with industri
al make one's fortune. After industry develop
s certain level, of town duplicate almost ine
vitable. In this moment, town or becomes the
one part of the city zone to blend in a city
in the respect such as geography, or and othe
r town undertake conformity, distinguish with
the function is being formed inside bigger r
ange and complementary development.

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