The deputy card wine that this kind of reso

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The deputy card wine that this kind of reso

"The price that helps phenanthrene is fried to ris
e by the Chinese, I also look not to understa
nd. " Yang Bo, hit " my wine cellar " the CEO
of website of red wine guest of catchword. "
The Dalafei 2003, now more than 20000 yuan, s
till have ascendant space. Call myself to spe
nd money to be bought drink? I also won't be
bought. " the red wine that Yang Bo's website
basically manages material benefit of truly
qualitative actor. 2009, the sale of red wine
guest achieves 8 million yuan, this is China
only in last few years one of enterprises of
representative of hundreds red wine of emerg
e in large numbers. Because do website of inf
ormation of bishop lover community, bishop at
the beginning, the a gang gathered to love t
he person of wine beside Yang Bo so. "Odd fro
m drunk angle, one bottle pulls phenanthrene
more than 20000, the bag of a LV, also be mor
e than 20000, value? " reporter of Yang Bo as
k in reply, high-end red wine serves as a kin
d of luxury, had exceeded the drinkable value
of wine itself, it is a kind of identity, po
sition and consumptive idea more reflect. "Ch
inese investor does not have substaintial dis
tinction with other investor, much bishop of
itself wave Er also is open trade. " collect
Lan Kangka says, he thinks desalt Chinese pro
motes wine apparently the concept of period w
ine price. "On one hand demand is a main fact
or, still can get of course the influence of
economic boom circumstance of whole, boerduo
also has encountered economic free and easy t
o rise and fall, we also anticipate the likel
ihood is in a few years the price is met in t
he future somewhat fall after a rise, become
more rational. In addition, come from to the
demand of period wine at different country, c
hinese investor is one part only, have a few
burgeoning states additionally wine of name o
f very zealous also pursuit, e.g. Russia. " "
financial times " Robin of · of silk of wine
columnist Jiessie inferiors, ever was in " t
he Chinese legend that pulls phenanthrene " i
n, describe her information so: "Be in China,
' Lafite ' this name is having the resonance
that is different from common and expect to
be less than. The deputy card wine that this
kind of resonance makes Zhuang Lue of the win
e that pull phenanthrene a few poorer has hig
her price. A series of main wave Er below the
banner that pull phenanthrene are much bisho
p, also sell with the price that does not poo
r in China, go up because of wine mark only w
ord of French having evil spirit ' Lafite ' .
" (Sun Yi bud) Sun Yi bud (article origin: G
olden sheep net - ovine wall evening paper)

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