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I have just realized that all my acedamic results, composition skills, grammar uses and everythin' are gettin' worse and worse...Maybe due to the long holiday ( the summer holidays ), I haven't done enough exercises...and now I am sufferin' : havin' bad results for quizes and compositions, and my english grammar skills...I can't imagine... In my past few diaries, I discovered quite a number o' mistakes!!!! I just couldn't help it! I will have to work really, really, really, really hard now, and try my best to catch up with the others ( and I hope i will soon fulfil my wish ) and maybe i will play less MSN with my friends and classmates, 'cause people use "SHORTEN LANGUAGES" while playin' MSN and I probably got stuck into it and can't get out o' the trap. And what I have to do is: just simply get myself out o' this trap by playin' less MS. But now, as my number o' homework and activities increases, I have just a very little time, spendin' at the computer ( playin' MSN, checkin' mails...etc. )
I am really sorry about that... ( i am just sayin' to the one[s] who really want ter chat with me )
and ...
Goodnight to BUNGI and her OWNER or MOTHER and AUNTIES and "GRANDMOTHER" and GRANDFATHER" and whatever! and everybody who cares about me, sanks! especially my family and relatives...

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